Monday, May 18, 2009

Cebu Bloggers Society Ambigram

Ambigram also sometimes known as an inversion, is a typographical design or artform that may be read as one or more words not only in its form as presented, but also from another viewpoint, direction or orientation. The words readable in the other viewpoint, direction or orientation may be the same or different from the original words. (wikipedia)

Few years back I was reading on John Langdon’s artwork about ambigram. I was fascinated the swiftness of his letters and its stroke. He created the Angels and Demons ambigram a book from the bestselling author Dan Brown which eventually became a movie. John Langdon’s artwork includes in the top 10 most famous ambigrams. Dan Brown used Langdon (Robert) as the main character in his books in gratitude to John’s creativeness for the ambigrams.

I have created some ambigrams before. Some words were easy to transform and invert while other may take a lot of time. This one (cebubloggerssociety) was done yesterday. I hardly get this completed because in the first place I’m not used in doing this mind boggling artwork and I can’t fused two letters that can be read inversely into different letters. As a result, letters R and S in BLOGGERS blended yielding an optical illusion.

See its animated image. Click >>> Cebu Bloggers Society


Mikyu said...

nindot xa timoy! amezing! hahahahaha. weeee! :D

-bugsbunny- said...

halah.. ato na e tshirt beh.. nyahahahahaha... sa front bah. nya kadtong cebu bloggers na meaning ang nasa luyo. cool au.

Kevin Ray N. Chua said...

great ambigram! nindot ibutang sa shirt, sa sticker, i-tatoo ug uban pa...

Aika Galleca said...

wow graveha oi, ^_^
thumbs up